The Red Heifer and the 3rd Jewish Temple

The Temple Institute has been preparing for the 3rd Jewish temple for some time now, but the missing ingredient needed to re-establish the temple is the Red Heifer. Finding one that meets strict biblical requirements has been a task that seemingly has been impossible to meet…until now.

The ashes of the Red Heifer will be used to purify the temple for service and the heifer must be 3 years of age at the time of sacrifice. One has been found in the state of New Jersey, that so for, has met the biblical standards. She is beautiful and just turned two years old….

Watch the video below.


To learn more about the Red Heifer, read below:


One thought on “The Red Heifer and the 3rd Jewish Temple

  1. Reblogged this on A Dilettante's Soapbox and commented:
    Here is an excellent video updating the status of the Red Heifer which may, in fact, be a truly kosher red heifer, thus providing the missing ingredient needed for temple ordinances regarding purity. This elusive entity offers more than hope in the rebuilding of the Temple…
    While we dared to dream, have we prepare our hearts?


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